Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Scene...

The scene that I can most relate to in the novel, The Flowers is when Sonny is laying in bed listening to all the sounds around him coming from the surrounding apartments. "The walls of the bedroom and ceiling creaked with a fump fump fump from above, not where it really was. I could hear the kind of air that didn't move, if I listened for it. There was music in it, and the sounds spun lines, squares and triangles and circles, colliding and crossing and twisting into new shapes, and then I'd be dreaming. p.116"

The reason I can relate to this scene is that I have a hard time falling asleep at night like Sonny. He has alot on his mind as well as I. Sonny has alot of responsabilities around him. He pretty much takes care of himself and he is trying to be there for his mother and her choices. In doing so he takes on the odd jobs around the apartment complex that Cloyd asks him to do to keep the peace around the home and also for himself to get away from Cloyd and his Moms issues. Sonny also finds himself taking on the burded of Cindy and her lonelyness with her living situation. He also takes on worring about Nica and her home life. He has alot on his mind and shoulders at such a young age.

I have alot in my life going on too. I am a single mother of two wonderful kids. We live with my parents who are a true blessing to me, but at times it is hard to raise your own kids when there are two other voices trying to put input. I take care of other people's kids during the day and I take care of my grandmother who is suffering from Dementia. My childrens father is dieing from a long battle with Multiple Sclerosis. I take my Babies every other weekend to go see their father 3 hours away. It is a very hard time for my kids but every moment spent with their father is a memory that they will cherish when he is gone. I am mentally and emotionally tired. But in all this chaos I have to stay strong for my babies and for all those around me who count on me.

At night I too have to lay in bed and listen to all the sounds around me. I have to allow my mind and body to relax and go with the sounds. Sometimes I have to lay in bed and put soft music on in order to fall asleep. If it is too quiet my mind starts to run a thousand miles per hour and I begin to stress out; hense I cannot sleep! So in order to have a good dream or a dream at all, the soft music or the sound of the cars and wind outside help me to keep my mind at peace just like Sonny.


  1. Interesting post. I have trouble sleeping too, however I don't share any of your troubles. I'm sorry about your kids father's health. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all if I had those problems, you must be very resilient. I like the quote you used, and some of my favorite quotes from the book are from Sonny describing the different shapes and colors he experiences when he's daydreaming. Hope you don't stress too much this semester, and are able to improve your sleep/dreams.

  2. Thank You Kevin. It is all in Gods Hands. I just have to keep moving forward and not let the concrete dry on my feet! This semester is a bit much for me but I'm going to do the best I can. Good luck in class. By the way; this was an excillent novel. I thouroughly enjoyed it and Sonny's discriptions made me feel like I was there. :)

    As for your sleeping...I hope you find a good remedy that helps you! The soft music seems to working for me. :)
